Comment Guidelines and Policies

Respect your neighbors and practice good online etiquette. Treat others as you would during a courteous face-to-face conversation. Be a better neighbor! This is a chance for you to contribute valuable information. Thanks for being a part of our community.

  • Inappropriate Content - Don’t post inappropriate pictures or messages. This includes; photos and messages that are unlawful, obscene, defamatory, libelous, threatening, pornographic, harassing, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive, misrepresent another person or organization, or encourages conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, violate any law, or is otherwise clearly inappropriate. In addition, photos that appear to be taken surreptitiously and in a private space are not allowed. In order to ensure a positive community experience, decisions by Vintage Aerial staff to remove content is based on a variety of factors including; complaints from other users, user history, and others. You will be notified if your post has been removed.
  • Personal Attack - Don’t post personal attacks. This includes directly or indirectly insulting another user (or group of users) by name-calling, labeling, making sweeping generalizations or posting accusations.
  • Privacy Violation - Remember that Vintage Aerial is a public web site. Do not post contact information for yourself, other Vintage Aerial users, or anyone else in the community. This includes, phone numbers, email, or commercial information.
  • Libel - Don’t be libelous. Vintage Aerial is not the place for posting rumors or gossip. Do not post falsehoods or misrepresentations of others portrayed as fact.
  • Copyright Violation - Respect copyright and other third-party rights. This includes rights of publicity and rights of privacy.
  • Advertisement - Don’t post advertisements or solicitations.
  • Spam - Don’t spam the community. Avoid repeatedly sending the same or substantially similar messages, empty messages, or messages which contain no substantive content.
  • Harmful Content - Don’t post links to viruses, spam, or potentially damaging content. Vintage Aerial reserves the right to remove such content.
  • Removing comments - Vintage Aerial has the right to remove comments on any conversation that includes offensive language, a series of personal attacks, excessive arguing, or any other violation of these policies.
  • Multiple Accounts - Don't set up or operate multiple accounts. Individuals are forbidden from creating and operating more than one account on Vintage Aerial. If we discover that any user is operating multiple accounts, all accounts associated with that user will be removed.

Vintage Aerial staff may remove, modify or correct comments that violate these guidelines. If you have any further questions or feel that your comments were unjustly removed, please contact us.

As a reminder, the Vintage Aerial community guidelines are subject to and incorporate the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. If there’s a conflict between Vintage Aerial guidelines and the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy overrule the guidelines.

Our guidelines are intended to keep discussions on Vintage Aerial informative, friendly, and respectful. If you violate these guidelines, we may remove your submission and/or deactivate your account. Recurring inappropriate behavior or negative contributions even if not specifically addressed in the community guidelines, can still lead to the deactivation of a user's account. Work with us to keep Vintage Aerial a respectful community.

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